About Me

Why write about finances? My question to you is why not?! Finances, money, dinero or whatever you may call it touches everyone’s life in some way. Some people’s experiences have been great. Others’ experiences have been not so great. No matter who you are or where you come from money affects your life in some way.

To some, money affords a way to live comfortably, or is a means to keep up with bills. For others money is used to bless people and to help others out in need. Money affects people’s lives differently. It is my belief that money is a means to an end. It helps you to get to your end goal and do the things that you want to accomplish.

So, whether you have a positive relationship with money or not, it is a necessity. While I don’t think money is the most important tool in life, I understand its importance in helping to navigate life. You need money to sustain a basic quality of life: it is a tool that is used to provide food, shelter and clothing. It can be used to help fund personal goals or help others achieve their goals.

Whatever role money plays in your life, one thing is necessary, the knowledge of how to manage money well.

People may often say that they need to make more money and in some instances that may be true. I want to suggest that people may not need more money but instead what they need to learn is how to manage the money that they already have. That my friends, is where I come in.

I don’t consider myself a financial expert as I still have a lot to learn. What I do have is my experience, God’s wisdom, and victories in the area of finance. I can share with you what has worked in my life and what hasn’t worked.

Money management is a personal and individual experience. Financial management depends on one’s priorities, goals, needs, obligations and commitments. In the area of finances there is always so much to learn and consistency in this area is key. Let’s take this journey together one step at a time, as we live, learn, laugh and cry together.

Does this sound scary? Even if this scares you take the first step, it is necessary. Are you ready?

See you soon,
